Security at McClintock High School
Your child's safety is our top priority. Each and every day we work together with school officials, students, families and community organizations to ensure our campuses are safe. In the event of a campus emergency or emergency near McClintock High School, an alert message will be posted on the homepage of the McClintock website and the District Office website as soon as possible.
What to do in an emergency situation
We want our parents to be prepared for what can be done to help the school if we are in an emergency situation. In the event of an emergency, please read the following guidelines:
- Please listen to the instructions posted to your school's website and/or the Tempe Union High School District website. Please, DO NOT CALL THE SCHOOL as the phones will be used for emergency situations and staff members will be busy taking care of students' needs. Alerts will be posted to the homepage of your school's website.
- If the school is in lockdown, NO ONE (other than emergency response teams) is allowed to enter the school. This is for your child's safety. Please DO NOT COME TO THE SCHOOL. Check your school's website for current information concerning the time and place you can pick up your child(ren).
- Once the emergency situation is over, any adult coming to the school to pick up the child(ren) must be an approved guardian, and must show identification. Students who normally walk home will be allowed to do so ONLY AFTER the police have determined the surrounding area is safe. Under some conditions, students that walk home may need to be picked up. Students who drive may need parental permission to leave campus and drive home.
- Please make sure your emergency contact information is current and up-to-date for your students, so we can best communicate with you. Please check with your school to ensure information concerning your current home address, phone number, and email address is accurate. This information is always accessible via your ParentVue account.
- Please refrain from posting and sharing any unverified information involving an emergency situation on social media. This includes sharing unverified information to Facebook groups, Twitter, Instagram, Snapchat, and other online platforms. All official school information will be communicated via your school's website, as well as e-mails and text messages from the District Office.
- Staff members are trained for emergency situations and our highest priority is the safety of our students.
MHS Security Resources
School Resource Officer, Tempe Police Department
(480) 839.4222 Ext. 68671
Tempe Police Department - Apache Substation
1855 E Apache Blvd, Tempe, AZ 85281
(480) 350-8311
City of Tempe Police Department Website
Graffiti Hotlines
Call the 24-hour Graffiti Busters hotline at (602) 495-7014 to report graffiti after the fact.
For information on cleanups, call (602) 534-1489.
If you have information leading to the arrest of a graffiti vandal, call (602) 262-7327
National Crime Line Anonymous (800) 782-7463