Peggy Payne Academy Statistics
Peggy Payne Academy, (PPA) has an outstanding tradition of recognition, awards, and achievements in all curriculum areas and is proud to support and encourage its graduates. PPA offers a school within a school atmosphere, where students have unique and advanced opportunities to participate in a variety of activities.
☆ Our graduates are matriculating at colleges around the United States, including the following:
- Amherst
- Baylor University
- Boston University
- Brooks Institute of Photography
- Brown University
- California Institute of Technology
- Carnegie Mellon University
- Columbia University
- Cornell University
- Duke University
- Emory College
- Fordham University
- George Washington University
- Georgetown University
- Gonzaga University
- Harvard University
- Johns-Hopkins/Peabody Conservatory
- Julliard School
- Massachusetts Institute of Technology
- Northwestern University
- Princeton University
- Rice University
- Scripps College
- Smith College
- Swarthmore
- Syracuse University
- United States Naval & Coast Guard Academies
- University of California Berkeley, Davis & Santa Barbara
- Wellesley College
- Wesleyan University
- Wheaton College
- Honors College at ASU and UA