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PPA Frequently Asked Questions

Please click arrows below to view answers. 

Who's Eligible to Attend PPA?

Students who have tested above the 97% percentile on the TUSHD gifted testing in any category are eligible to apply. Students from other districts who have tested above the same percentile in an area of the CoGat Test or other qualifying tests are also eligible to apply to the Academy.

How do I apply?

Applications can be downloaded from this website. See under the Admissions Tab for further details. Students interested in applying to PPA should submit an application by January 31st. You will need teacher recommendations so be sure to give yourself and your teachers adequate time to complete the packet.

Can I visit the campus?

PPA sponsors Shadow a Student Days each year for prospective students. Your student will be paired with a current freshman with similar interests who will take your student to all their classes during the course of a day. You can also schedule one of these visits any time, if your schedule doesn't allow you to attend the Shadow A Student Days.

Can I play sports or be in the band or orchestra?

All PPA students are eligible to participate in any of the fourteen sports offered at McClintock. Academy students are welcome in all performing arts groups and extracurricular activities. Many of our students are proud members of the band, orchestra, chorus, and athletic teams.

Can I attend even if I don't live within McClintock's boundaries?

Any student can apply to attend PPA, whether within the Tempe Union District or even from outside our district. Ask about submitting an open enrollment form if you are interested in attending and live in a district outside Tempe Union High School District.

Are there tuition fees?

No, PPA is a site within the Tempe Union High School District and there are no fees to attend.

PPA Class - Question

PPA Contact Information


Kriket Tomasi
PPA Academic Coordinator
480-839-4222 Ext. 60196

Dorothy Paaske

Office Hours:
7 AM – 3:30 PM

Located East of McClintock's Main Office

PPA Gifted Services

  • Rigorous Curriculum
  • Highly Qualified Faculty
  • Accelerated Course Offerings
  • Internships
  • Individualized Academic Planning
  • ASU Partnership
  • University Coursework Opportunities
  • College Guidance & Career Planning