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Peggy Payne Academy

Welcome to Peggy Payne Academy

The Peggy Payne Academy (PPA) was founded in 2001. McClintock High School is the host campus for PPA. Peggy Payne students have the benefits of specialized, rigorous Academy courses as well as the variety of high school offerings and experiences. As research has shown, smaller learning communities reinforce high-level learning, and this is clearly evident at the Academy.

Our Mission Statement:

The Payne Academy provides gifted and talented students with distinctive opportunities to realize their greatest potential.

Academy students have access to a full range of Academy courses as well as all the courses offered at McClintock High School. PPA students have the opportunity to engage in gifted club activities, enrichment activities, and specialized academic guidance through the Individual Learning Plan. In addition, Academy students are eligible to partake in any extracurricular, athletic, or performance group offered at McClintock.

PPA Contact Information


Kriket Tomasi
PPA Academic Coordinator
480-839-4222 Ext. 60196

Dorothy Paaske

Office Hours:
7 AM – 3:30 PM

Located East of McClintock's Main Office

PPA Gifted Services

  • Rigorous Curriculum
  • Highly Qualified Faculty
  • Accelerated Course Offerings
  • Internships
  • Individualized Academic Planning
  • ASU Partnership
  • University Coursework Opportunities
  • College Guidance & Career Planning

Gifted Testing Dates | Flyer