Visual Arts Classes
Art Courses:
Art and Design: This class is for the student who wants to gain experience in a variety of media areas. Drawing, painting, printmaking, and sculpture are some of the areas covered in this class. Students learn to create compositions that demonstrate an understanding of the elements and principles of design as well as their acquisition of technical skills. Pencil, pen & ink, block printing, pastels, water colors and acrylics are the some of the drawing and painting media explored in this class. Sculptural media can include ceramics, wire, paper mache and plaster. Emphasis is on providing a foundation in the basics of design and technique for the beginning art student. Personal expression within project parameters is encouraged. This class is open to students of all grade levels.Drawing and Painting: Three years of Drawing and Painting are offered at McClintock. Each year provides students with challenges of increasing complexity as well as greater freedom to express themselves creatively. The Drawing and Painting classes are also designed to give art students experience in progressively more advanced drawing and painting techniques. Watercolors, oils, acrylics, pastels, pen and ink, advanced printmaking techniques and pencil are some of the media areas explored in this class. Students will improve their drawing and painting skills by concentrating on technique and composition. Group critiques are used to help students evaluate their own and others' work objectively. Students are also introduced to art history, portfolio development and display techniques.This class is open to students in grades 10 through 12. Freshmen may be admitted with teacher approval.
Ceramics Courses:
Ceramics 1-2: Beginning ceramics students concentrate on developing skills in three dimensional design (sculpture) and hand building techniques using clay as a medium. The first year students also experience a variety of glaze and firing techniques as they learn about the fascinating process that yields a work of art from what is essentially a wet collection of minerals (clay). Both sculptural and functional works are produced using the hand building skills they acquire throughout the year. Use of the potter’s wheel is introduced to create traditional functional forms such as mugs, bowls, vases and lidded vessels. The first year student also learns about the people of various cultures around the world who have been using clay as a medium for artistic expression as well as for functional works for over a thousand years. This class is open to students in grades 10 - 12. Freshmen may be admitted with teacher approval.Ceramics 3-4: Second year students build upon the skills acquired in the beginning class and move on to more advanced hand building and potters wheel techniques. Larger format and complex sculptural forms are created in this class. Functional forms on the potter’s wheel also are larger and more complex as the student gains the experience necessary to manipulate the material. Traditional vessels such as teapots, jars, plates and goblets are examples of the functional forms made by the second year potter. Students explore the use of clay as an architectural medium and are introduced to the development of glazes and firing techniques. These students also examine the development of ceramics from an historical perspective and how use of this medium has influenced the development of civilizations.
Ceramics 5-6: Third year students continue their course of study by building on the skills acquired in the first two years. Personal artistic expression is an important part of all work created in this class. Large outdoor sculptural works made of interlocking components, complex architectural tile installations, sculptural works created by joining forms made on the potter's wheel are examples of projects completed by the third year student. The third year student helps to manage the ceramics studio by assisting beginning students, helping to mix glazes and fire the kilns. An in-depth study of the cultural and historical foundations of ceramics is also a part of the third year curriculum.
Ceramics 7-8: Fourth year students may choose from a variety of projects that are designed to further develop their skills. Fountains, portrait heads, outdoor sculptures and architectural structures are an example of the options open to the fourth year student. Potters wheels are used to create sets of functional wares. While skill development continues to be an important goal, creative expression is also a strong focus.
Computer Graphics Courses:
Computer Graphic Art Classes: In the 2003 –2004 School year the Tempe Union High School District changed the names of the computer based Art classes to better reflect the curriculum taught in those classes. The class formerly named “Design Technology” became “Introduction to Computer Graphic Art”. The classes formerly named “Commercial Art 1-2 and 3-4” became “2-Dimensional Graphic Art 1-2 and 3-4”. The curriculum has remained the same in each of these classes with the exception that as technology and the graphic design industry evolve, so does the curriculum. It is the intent of the Fine Arts Departments of the District that the vocational aspects of the classes be up-to-date with both the available technology and the industry.Introduction to Computer Graphic Art: This Class introduces students to the use of computer systems to create original works of art and commercially viable graphic design. A variety of software applications such as Photoshop and adobe illustrator are used as students gain hands on experience in applying their knowledge to real-world situations. Design concepts found in traditional Art media areas are also taught to enable students to create visually appealing work within the commercial setting. Sophomore, Junior and Senior students with an interest in being introduced to the basics of graphic design are welcome in this class. Students successfully exiting this class are encouraged to enroll in 2-Dimensional Graphic Art 1-2. Freshmen may enroll with teacher permission.
2-Dimensional Graphic Art 1-2: This class continues to build upon concepts learned in Introduction to Computer Graphic Art. Areas covered include vector and raster graphics, typography, layout design, web design and multimedia applications. Students will also use digital graphics and video equipment to explore filmmaking and editing techniques. Students in this class interact with “real world” clients to design and produce products such as web sites, video presentations and advertising layouts. Students wishing to acquire additional skills in using computer technology to create original works of art and art with commercial applications will want to enroll in this course. Introduction to Computer Graphic Art or teacher recommendation are required for admittance to this class. Introduction to Computer Graphic Art is a prerequisite for this class.
2-Dimensional Graphic Art 3-4: This second year of 2-Dimensional Graphic Art is for the advanced graphics arts student who desires additional instruction in the use of computer technology to create original works of art as well as design for commercial application. Concepts and skills acquired in the first year are expanded upon and students have the opportunity to explore personal interests in media applications in a more self-directed setting. This class focuses upon helping advanced students develop personal portfolios of their work as they plan for entrance to universities, explore career options and deepen their knowledge base. Self and group critique and organization of work for presentation are stressed. Juniors and Seniors who have successfully exited 2-Dimensional Graphic Art 1-2 are eligible for enrollment in this class.
Photography Courses:
Photography 1-2: First year photography students concentrate on developing an understanding of composition and the elements and principles of design using traditional black and white photography as a medium. Camera and darkroom basics are stressed to provide students with the skills necessary to express themselves creatively with this demanding art form. Students learn how cameras and other photographic equipment and materials work and demonstrate their understanding by using the equipment to produce photographic works of art. Assignments that teach students how to photograph portraits, objects in motion, landscapes, low light environments and unique perspectives are some of the experiences provided in this class. Students are also introduced to the history of the development of the medium and how photographic artists have used photography to document and influence the history of our country and the nations of the world. There are many opportunities to enter and compete in art shows both on campus and in the community and first year students are encouraged to do so. The first year students use manual 35mm cameras which are provided on a checkout basis. This class is offered to students in grades 10 and above. Freshmen may be admitted only with teacher approval.Photography 3-4: Second year photography students build upon the foundation established in the first year by continuing to develop their skills by using traditional black and white photographic techniques. The fundamentals of composition are stressed as students are given more freedom to express themselves creatively. In this class students are introduced to different camera formats, digital photography and computer manipulation, and specialty darkroom techniques. An in-depth knowledge of photo history and photographic artists is further developed. Students are introduced to portfolio development, group critiques and display techniques. Second year students are encouraged to participate in art shows on campus and in the community. Successful completion of Photography 1-2 is a prerequisite for this class.
Photography 5-6: Third year students follow a curriculum that stresses the importance of excellent photographic technique while encouraging self-expression. Students in this class continue to build on the skills acquired in the first two classes and go on to learn more about alternative photographic. Students use a variety of camera formats, specialty darkroom techniques and learn more about computer manipulation of photographic images such as photo restoration using programs such as Photoshop. Third year students develop their portfolios for presentation to universities, juried exhibitions and job searches. Students are strongly encouraged to participate in art shows on campus and in the community. Successful completion of Photography 3-4 is a prerequisite for this class. Advanced classes build upon the foundation laid by the beginning class and move on to digital imaging and the use of photographic software such as Photoshop to manipulate images. All classes touch upon photo history and the influence this technology has had and continues to have upon our world perspective. Photography classes are open to students in grades 10 through 12.