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Meet the Chargers

Learn more about McClintock High School

At McClintock High School, students find purpose in education, value in excellence, and meaning in Charger traditions. Established in 1964, McClintock has a long history of academic and athletic excellence. Our diverse population reflects more than 20 spoken languages. The campus is conveniently located and we are a neighborhood school, yet minutes away from major thoroughfares.

McClintock provides supports to incoming freshmen as they make the transition from middle school to high school by placing freshmen on a team with common teachers. Through these efforts, students receive more individualized instruction and experience a more nurturing, personalized environment. The team members also, almost naturally, become mentors to the students to provide social and emotional support. The development of ninth grade teams has increased student achievement and helped keep students on track for graduation. 

McClintock students benefit from a comprehensive curriculum that includes standard, honors, advanced placement (AP) and dual enrollment/college credit courses. The Peggy Payne Academy, located on the McClintock campus, is designed for the gifted student who prefers a smaller “school-within-a-school” environment. Students are provided with a rigorous curriculum, career-shadowing opportunities, internships, and a personalized learning environment.

Rated a B-rated school by the Arizona Department of Education, we use research-based practices and innovative instruction to deliver challenging and engaging academics designed to meet or exceed state and national standards and promote life-long learning.

McClintock enriches students’ experience through cutting-edge technologies that include a foreign language computerized language laboratory, departmental computer labs, a state-of-the-art multimedia program, as well as SmartBoards in our classrooms.

How did McClintock High School get its name?

McClintock High School is named after James H. McClintock (1864-1934). He was born in Sacramento, California. Captain McClintock commanded Troop B for Teddy Roosevelt's Rough Riders, long before Roosevelt became president of the United States. The famed Rough Riders were a major force during the Spanish-American War as a mounted fighting unit. As the legend goes, the Rough Riders became known as the "Chargers" for the way they went into battle. We can all imagine Teddy Roosevelt saying, "Let's go Chargers!" A Rough Rider was not allowed to leave his duty, even to tend to the wounded and the motto "Once a Charger, Always a Charger" came into being. Please note that McClintock's mascot is not a lightning bolt as they have in San Diego!

After McClintock's time with the Rough Riders, he settled in the valley and was elected a colonel in what would become the National Guard. McClintock was a major player in the development of our area and was appointed postmaster of Phoenix. He continued a career in writing and wrote for his brother's newspaper, The Salt River Herald. He wrote for newspapers, magazines, and literary works. McClintock was a member of the expedition to survey the site of the future Roosevelt Dam. McClintock was also a member of the first graduating class of the Territorial Normal School, now Arizona State University. Colonel McClintock later served as Arizona's official state historian, thus, being honored not only in the naming of a high school but also in the selection of the name of the yearbook, the Historian.